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Freedom is taking her vacation
and while she is gone…
Prison walls surround and are closing in
Blocks are being laid brick by brick
Walls of fear, and new beliefs
Entanglements are twisting deep roots beyond the surface
Like a well established, vine that strangles one’s soul
Until choice is no longer clear
Clear vision is muddled
Freedom where have you gone?
When will you return?
Powers that be, rise up
They say 'it’s for your safety’
Who decides?
The sands are shifting
And being swallowed up and gone forever
Like a lake that has lost its beach
The threatening waves attempt to overcome
Freedom will you be much longer?
The bricks of the walls are getting higher
The streets are crying out for freedom
As the junkie tries to find another fix
To numb this pain
to make injustice go away
He knocks on freedom’s door, but freedom is not home!!
Churches no longer gather.
The high heeled shoes and suits no longer meet
Ivory towers are toppled
Only the truest of truth survives
Those that died to sponsor Freedom here
And bring her to this place
are calling out, “Have we died in vain?”
Hatred and injustice have climbed the walls
and entered in this space
They closed our mouths
And numbed our hearts
Despondency surrounds
She must come back
Before too late
Freedom its time to come home
And set the captives free!
Grace Daub May 31, 2020
Copyright © Grace Daub | Year Posted 2020
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