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Free Cee Breakfast Not At Tiffanys

BREAKFAST NOT AT TIFFANY’S I remember eating breakfast in the corner luncheonette Two eggs over easy with a side of toast Danny ordered a cheese and egg white omelet While I read the Times and was totally engrossed The sun hadn’t risen yet as the red neon shone Suddenly our waiter dropped a plate on the floor Danny and I both heard the clumsy server moan And then a good looking lady walked through the door She donned a halter top and our eyes didn’t falter Danny and I stared with amorous thoughts in our head Just then she greeted her boyfriend named Walter And there went our thoughts of getting her in bed Walter was six-feet-three and two hundred pounds A man neither Danny nor I cared to rile A waitress emptied some stale coffee grounds Some of which fell on the floor of ceramic tile An old gray haired lady ate some kind of slop I couldn’t identify the food with specificity While Danny and I ate the waiter grabbed a mop And Danny told me about a hot chick named Felicity Our conversation flowed from Felicity to friends and foes Then I ordered one more piece of toast and an egg Just then Walter and his girlfriend arose And that’s when I noticed a gun strapped to Walter’s leg It seemed that Walter didn’t plan on paying the check And so he stuck his gun in the owner’s flustered face He then grabbed the pretty waitress by the neck When suddenly the owner sprayed Walter with mace While all this went on Danny went for the register’s cash A move which truly had astounded me Both of us ran out and made a maniacally mad dash And that’s how two junkies got a lot of dope in essence for free © 2012… cee!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 8/1/2012 4:37:00 PM
your poems are not typical....always entertaining.
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