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Free Cee Mrs Society Wears It To All Formal Events

MRS. SOCIETY WEARS IT TO ALL FORMAL EVENTS So they trekked up the mountain covered with snow surrounded by white with only one place to go they were headed for a place where money could be made but the job they do leaves so many squealing and afraid spurs on their shoes and the dollar sign in their eyes each step brings them closer to the clear blue skies ice picks, shovels and the all important implement and none of these men deserve any form of compliment footsteps bring them nigh to their prey because this is a job with mighty good pay it just requires heartlessness and a dark heart with selfishness playing it's specious part suddenly they come into vision at rest just living snowballs about to face their final test mallets and hammers paint the white with red so Mrs. Society can wear the fur of a baby seal beaten until they were dead © 2012.....copyright PHREEPOETREE ~free cee!~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 8/30/2012 3:57:00 PM
Great poem! Unfortunately, the bottm line (not only of your poem) is the only thing that counts... Terry
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