Free As a Bird
I am going to write anything I want to
Why do birds sing?
Because they are free
Haven't you heard - free as a bird?
Why does ice melt?
You are talking about moi?
Better know who you are talking to
Why do you take forever?
Taking what?
Why do I say what I say?
Because you deserve it
Is it good or bad?
Haha good
Nah - bad
Better watch out
Why do I do what I say?
Because I don't want to be heard by you
Why does the sun always shine on you?
Because it knows me
I am always there - in the sunshine
Better watch my tan lines
I am not talking about you
I am talking about me
Did Columbus discover America?
Yeah think so
Then why hasn't America discover Columbus?
Columbus, Ohio?
Haven't been there
My thought exactly
Did you say you'll see me tomorrow?
How would you know?
I have people to see
Places to go
How would I see you?
Tomorrow it is
One for the road
If all that you have is here
Then where are they?
Here in my heart
Here in my mind
Here in my spirit
Here in my house
You mean I am there too?
No you are never there
You are here
Good night
And good riddance
I am hurt
Lol you'll get over it
Talk as someone who knows
Copyright © Toquyen Harrell | Year Posted 2015
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