Over the rocky shoreline I continue my journey,
I follow the seagulls along the shore
and find a hidden treasure -
a cove behind jagged rock formations.
Carefully, I enter this concealed world,
rays of sunlight dance off the water,
pristine white sand brings out
the snow angel in me.
Surrounding rock pillars reaching the heavens
stand guard over the entire scene,
I wonder to myself if they have ever
been in the presence of a human before,
and I -- a lonely, lost explorer in life --
look up to pay homage to the Maker,
"You did well." "You did well, indeed!"
Then, I hear on the subtle breeze,
"So did you." "So did you, my child."
I know from this moment on...
I am a lost explorer no more.
Copyright © George Aul | Year Posted 2018
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