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Forth Vaccination Boosts Acquiescence Toward Mortality Part Deux

shuttering fright housed inside in one poof annihilating prejudice (white privilege included) and pride reducing to ashes trumpeting self importance, where snide persona grata becomes irrelevant as does living social or vacationing in Telluride. Interestingly enough, I do not entertain notions inflicting self harm nor suicide, but expect longevity (to ride one after another orbitz around the sun) minimum total (represented courtesy value units and tens place) equaling the largest double digit in plain Olde English aged to perfection groom and bride attains at least ninety nine years. Despite skittering within hair's breadth or blink looming over the edge no time to think, cuz no matter being knight in shining armor I can scrunch and squint thru visored chink, and espy and the title of a storied book by Tom Wolfe I think Old Rotten Gotham sliding into behavioral sink, amidst so much flotsam and jetsam while singing Skidamarink surrender unavoidable fate cuz destiny dis rapper doth not shrink and recognizes that whatever does not kill will only make me stronger (money back guarantee) I attain a spry five score birthdays and while away hours playing solitary game of tiddlywink.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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