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Formica Rufa

.... crawl across the garden path covered with moss. Creepy-crawly, completely black. They dash off there and soon are back. I was intrigued. Then during night, from a deep sleep I woke in fright, for I was trapped in dreadful dream, in which I was Formica queen. I woke this morn, saw things amiss. It was my metamorphosis. Now I've abdomen and thorax where my head and six legs attach. I live in a dark earthy mound, in secret cell, all day confined, where there it is my task to lay Formica rufa eggs all day.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/31/2021 10:34:00 AM
Wow, Tony! Fantastic and dark imagery.
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Hargreaves Avatar
Tony Hargreaves
Date: 9/4/2021 8:54:00 AM
Hi Kim and many thanks. I was dreaming of Kafka's story when he mutated to a creepy crawly. Methinks the insects, with their social structure, will just go on when we have gone. All the best. Tony

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