Format What's That
Hey friends well here's the scoop
I really like this website Poetry Soup
I don't know how to format
I'm really bad with grammar
Sometimes when I proof read my poems
They look like letters from the slammer
It took me three days to write the one 'bout Sun and Sand
Then I put through a grammar site and didn't understand
They said everything was correct I didn't need their aide
Then they said my writing level was about third grade
I don't think that was my idea of constructive criticism
They didn't have to say 3rd grade they could've used a Euphemism
They said I need to learn new words and to not repeat
I felt like throwing my lap top right into the street
But then I looked at comments and wouldn't ya know it
My friends on Poetry Soup said I am a poet!!!!!!
Thank you Constance, Rob, Jan and everyone else who knows how to constructively
criticize and for all the compliments. Happy Writing 2021!!
Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2021
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