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Forgotten Hope

Celestial lands in a firey bound Of forgotten pieces never found. An orbit of the cosmos plea for hope Before beings leave this sweet elope. Heart of ache loom the souls around On that eerie call to depths of drowned Angels & nymphs, love couldn't repair. Now, longing and sorrow, only despair. Waves to the wind’s blow do resist The rapture into revelation persists. None are equipped for the life ever after; The one they grasp in mother’s laughter. Before the curtains draw, listen to the beat. The meter under your flesh of material sheet; It rings a light reminder of the slipping minutes As you crawl and cling to life, recall your limits. There is no time for ache or despair; A million more beats of the soul for many, Though only a few left for the unaware. So, rejoice and live; For the time left is plenty. Your forgotten hope is how we’re designed. Look around, what will you leave behind?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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