Forgiveness Needs a Bridge
God, the Father, had a plan all along,
from creation to the virgin birth.
Jesus, the Son, agreed to right the wrong
that Adam and Eve started on earth.
Human Jesus came down to bridge the gap
that separates man from his Maker.
Obedience, the first plank on His lap
to a sin-ridden earth as Caretaker.
Knowing God's plan was for Him to die,
He showed the world that He is the Way.
Only thru Jesus can we span heaven's sky
with payment for sin on that great judgment day.
Forgiveness, the last plank, Jesus supplied
with His blood offered freely on the cross.
These two planks of wood form the way whereby
but the rest of the wood - would be our choice.
Would we accept and believe His offer?
Would we confess sin to gain right of passage?
Would we believe Jesus our eternal Savior?
Would we by free will cross over on His bridge?
Copyright © Reason A. Poteet | Year Posted 2024
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