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Forgive and Forget

Can you forgive if you just can't forget? heartaches and pain from more than one affair too near to the surface, full of regret remembering nights past, full of despair Can I still hold you close, feel you'll be true lies and deception, our world gone amiss hearts have been shredded with all we've been through on the wings of dark angels, feel the abyss Years now you've struggled to make me believe that I own your heart, those days are long gone slowly my eyes open now and conceive the love in your heart, lighting our new dawn Forgiveness may not have come on a breeze In the future you'll find, 'twill pass with more ease.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 11/11/2023 11:27:00 PM
Thanks for sharing this... exposing your thoughts through your unique poetic style. Meanwhile, I greet you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Be blessed.
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Date: 11/8/2023 6:23:00 PM
Hard to discuss but needs addressing.some ignore and survive. Others get even. I would not sudgest the latter. Just know the love is there.
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Date: 8/11/2009 5:52:00 PM
Congratulations on your win this poem in my contest, Trudy. Thanks for your participation and hope to be crossing trails with you again real soon. Take care... ~<><
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Date: 8/11/2009 2:49:00 PM
I remember this amazing write so well. No surprise to me that it is a winning poem. Congratulations dear Trudy. Much love to you always, Shar xoxoxo
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Date: 8/11/2009 3:37:00 AM
Congratulations on your win in Jim's contest Trudy. Been there splendid write. Love, Carol
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Date: 10/10/2008 8:08:00 AM
Time does help, but totally erase? Posibly not, for pain can exist deep and memories can resurface, but forgiveness is divine and should be practiced. OK that's just beliefs. This poem is very well written. The form is dgreat while the rhyme scheme and clarity is wonderful. Michael
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Date: 10/6/2008 4:52:00 PM
I like how this sonnet starts with the use of the rhetorical question right out the gate regarding the theme. It sets the stage for the rest of the poem. This poem flows very well and moves in a fashionable manner. I like the use of descriptive language to project the images. Great job! ~Joseph
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Date: 10/6/2008 11:13:00 AM
Neither forgiving or forgetting are easy--yet we have to a least get to the forgiving part in order to move on. Nice use of this challenging format to send an important message. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and for taking time to comment on my poem. Keep on writing. Karen
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Date: 10/4/2008 7:28:00 AM
I went through this very thing this morning. I had to make that phone call and forgiveness is hard especially when you feel as if you are right. Your last lines said it perfectly. I love the heart felt write and how it tugged at me when I read it. Good stuff.
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Date: 10/4/2008 6:50:00 AM
Beautifully written. Life puts us in storms sometimes. Forgiving can be so difficult esoecially if you have to do it more then once. Nice write. Blessings Michael
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Date: 10/4/2008 5:44:00 AM
You answered the first line question of your poem so truthfully, and the last two sum it beautifully. I have often said, related to other things, I can forgive but I will never forget. I guess some things are just meant to be, and that's a good thing here. Awesome Sonnet. Love, Shar
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Date: 10/4/2008 1:37:00 AM
Trudy - I have always put myself in the others shoes and then ask "Would I have possibly done the same thing under those circumstances" - If so I forgive and forget if not I just forgive - I really enjoyed your Sonnet - God Bless - Glad all worked out in the end for that truly is what is important
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