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"Forbidden" the knowledge acquired from the story I’ve lived is forbidden to be written I listen to their voices carried in the rustling leaves the whispering of ghosts behind me hushing me I haunt them the rain transports me as if it is music I send all the creatures of the forest running for cover they sense the forbidden fast approaching, like a poetic ritual, like what is written then must fast be unread, chewed, swallowed, hidden, inherent, expelled, buried where it will never be found, the forbidden yet, they sense it, the other creatures, there is something foreboding in the measure of this place they sense it, it is fearsome, yet enticing, the forbidden fast approaching now opening, this something to be undone that can never be stitched back up, like a spine bound, snapped, then broken my song is sung at once pleading, then intolerably terrible it pierces the heart not the ears and causes the internal begin again being to bleed devotional, there in the rain’s pure water the sound inside treads heavy like the sound of horses hooves pounding, the curves of contrition ridden hard by great legions the stampeding thunder arrives last, and shocking interludes later, succeeding the preceding violate, sparkling whips that scorch and in climax crack open the sky, breaking the veil a mighty seduction, like I’m its daemon bride my eyes look above, I bring the lightening down into me, jagged veins of diamond light, the sensual, biting life back into my finger tips the trees are bending before me, inviting me to taste their bark, their lichen scales softening for me potent and hypnotic, to taste to breathe I have no time to lie and dream at the base of them enveloped nubile, green and naked again in their velvety moss ahead I stride through the gateway to another time another life, the creatures think to follow, but where I go I can return, for them to follow, then, behind them the doorway closes, they are trapped in a place of no return of unfathomable sorrow the smell of brimstone, the fecund burn, producing heightened awareness to the wanton fertile mind, abundant with magik nomenclature settles in the mist, cloaking me, I wear it like impentetrable heraldry armour, worn for sad victory me in the aether, the place of either or I don’t look back, under the Moonlight I cast no shadow, I walk through without hesitation creatures follow, the doorway closes as above, so below for me the doorway opens (LadyLabyrinth / 2023)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 3/7/2023 12:18:00 PM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/7/2023 12:18:00 PM
Date: 3/7/2023 12:14:00 PM
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Date: 3/5/2023 11:01:00 PM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/5/2023 11:04:00 PM
"A druid was a member of the high-ranking class in ancient Celtic cultures. Druids were religious leaders as well as legal authorities, adjudicators, lorekeepers, medical professionals and political advisors. Druids left no written accounts. While they were reported to have been literate, they are believed to have been prevented by doctrine from recording their knowledge in written form. Their beliefs and practices are attested in some detail by their contemporaries from other cultures, such as the Romans and the Greeks."
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/5/2023 11:02:00 PM
Date: 3/5/2023 11:01:00 PM
"Druids"/Music, N.J. Price
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/5/2023 11:02:00 PM

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry