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For This Our Love

For this our love is not displaced when reaching for the stars The gratitude that we misplaced by killing one of ours The greater good is living well when providence is near The keeper of our destiny is holding up the rear The hope of all humanity is not a bigger fight But how we lose our vanity by doing what is right The miracle of peace on earth is not a vain pursuit The promise of our victory is finally taking root The world is lost to what is bossed and what is left to gain But freedom’s flag is still unfurled along the fruited plain The children of a noble birth are not inclined to war For greatness is the common good of those who died before The future is our joyfulness when we are free from hate For enmity is not the spring that passes for a gate The way to love our fellow man is not to die in war But how we live in happiness to make our blessings sure The poor and meek are with us still to occupy our fight And justice is the way we live to bless our dreams at night Oh dearly, dearly, He has loved to prove a Savior’s birth The visage of a single star for every soul on earth.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 10/5/2023 7:39:00 PM
YAAAA HOOO !!! A poet that care like me!
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Date: 8/26/2023 1:19:00 AM
I'm trying to put my finger on what makes your poems so pleasing to the ear for me Bryan. It's not just your unforced's more than that..Here it's your masterly use of the fourteener (iambic heptameter?) that appeals. Nothing seems 'shoehorned' to fit the message. Cheers - Gary
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Bryan Norton
Date: 8/26/2023 7:29:00 AM
Thank you Gary. I hope you've been doing well. Without you, I wouldn't get any comments. Hope to read more of your poems soon. You are very talented. Take care, my friend. Bryan

Book: Reflection on the Important Things