For My Future Daughter
I wish for my daughter to become a savage.
A perfectly wild and untamed creature
who spits fire from
the deepest pit of her being.
Who isn’t afraid to bare her teeth
and eat away at
men with tranquilizers
and diagnoses of “hysteria.”
Who breaks the silence
of her quiet eyes
and tells the whole world what she sees.
because she is the one that terrifies them.
Whose claws are painted with
the dirt and mud of revolution
instead of sexy red.
Who remembers that
fighting a war
for the entirety of life
is tiresome.
Who comes home to mom
every once in a while
for healing kisses
and snuggles in bed (if she still fits).
Who lets the love
mama pours
into her savage heart
carry her
farther than the reaches
of the horizon
she is bound to greet.
Copyright © Ruby Tugeau | Year Posted 2025
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