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Africa does not belong to the West. Its raw materials do not belong to the West. The banana republics of French-speaking Africa do not belong to France. African immigration cannot be criminalized in the country of human rights. While the entire French political elite asserts in unison with force that the future of France is Africa. Sub-Saharan Africans commit suicide in front of French rescue boats which voluntarily refuse to help them. The glorious era of private preserves is over. The empire's territory will be ravaged by the meteoric rise of Pan-Africanism. In France, sub-Saharan Africans are discriminated against, ostracized, humiliated with each facial check. They are expelled while French neocolonial multinationals steal Africa's natural resources. Pan-Africanists who denounce the atrocities of Françafrique are persecuted. The disciples of negrophobia use expulsions and loss of nationality as if Africa were hell. We are all aware that Africa is rich. We must continue to expel sub-Saharan Africans from France to Africa, so that the agony of Françafrique will accelerate more quickly. We have all tasted the power of liberty, equality and fraternity. We are not going to return to Africa with degrading obligations, And accept that the savage plundering of our continent's natural resources takes place with complete impunity. We are not domestic ******* or victimized movable property. We will never submit to the demonic tyranny of French imperialism. We have an obligation to respect all the laws of France. And we also have the right to rise up against the negrophobic colonial agreements which allow its companies not to pay taxes in Africa. We are aware that the development of Africa is not France's responsibility. We are aware that the sub-prefects of Françafrique are accomplices who assume the political, economic, social and spiritual destruction of Africa. After slavery, colonization and neocolonization by leonine contracts of the Republic of Enlightenment. We will not remain silent in the face of the geopolitical injustices that keep our people in extreme poverty. France is the heritage of the French and Africa that of the Africans. Xenophobic, supremacist, racialist, negrophobic and paternalistic speeches will never pass again. Racist stereotypes stemming from the Code Noir, the slave trade, centuries of slavery and French colonization will all be deconstructed.

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