For a Special Friend
I have a million other contacts
But it only feels right with you.
I try to hide it and not be a drag
But i cant stop myself from feeling blue.
I have everything okay
And a life to live
But why do i feel so broken inside
Empty and repeating the words "what if?"
Sometimes i wonder if im a good friend
Because you're there more often than i.
I wonder if i actually help you
Instead of bagging then passing you by.
But each and every time
Your tone stays the same.
And i'm kind of mesmerized
Happy even if i'm kind of insane.
And one day i hope i can do
So much better, meta morph
Into a better person, complete and strong
So i can give you a small paradise that'll make you smile
Because that's where you belong.
Copyright © Amy Kong | Year Posted 2014
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