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Folding Space

I sure do wish I could fold space, and quickly slip from place to place like bending pages of a map, and thus eliminate the gap, connect a destination’s source, arriving right on time, of course. But if I tried that with a pad, I’d snap the glass; that would be bad! Perhaps an app with drag and drop from where you are to where you stop. You’d need a way to keep it clean without a wipe down of the screen. Imagine spilling pizza sauce; you’d scrub away and end up lost. Perhaps a special stylus pen: confirm okay or start again. But frankly I don’t have much luck; I’d lose the pen and wind up stuck. I guess we’ll leave things as they are; I’ll stick to driving my old car.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 4/13/2022 7:25:00 PM
Aw, this is fantabulous, even supercalifragalistic, etc. Julie A. and D.V.D. FAVE-time! Thanks, Jeff
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