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Folding Flowers While Ironing Rocks In the Dark

Folding Flowers While Ironing Rocks in The Dark I load the washing machine up with my dirty wishes Found myself lost and broken in the kicthen All the writing on the bathroom stalls Surpasses the shoppers at the malls And why must I write about you at all You come before me and you think it a lark it's circumstances Folding Flowers While Ironing Rocks in The Dark Swimming in odd-houses while cutting class Grown up thinking pew is a piece of church furniture Watermelon basketball salmon crochet patties Wring on the sidewalk with a broken bleeding thumb Picking up harden day old chewing gum You come before me and you think it a lark it's circumstances Folding Flowers While Ironing Rocks in The Dark Now while you are trying to comprehensive and make sense of my lines Don't condemn me because my words don't make sense I'm no more or less educated than a bowl of pink grapes Bet you gonna try and fluctuate and define my lines of morphemes And why must I worry about you at all You come before me and you think I am lost it's circumstances Folding Flowers While Ironing Rocks in The Dark 11/25/17 written words by James Edward Lee Sr.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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