Focus - Part 2
How can you focus on feeling, when you’re solely focused on complaining?
How can you focus on trusting, when you’re solely focused on doubting?
How can you focus on awareness, when you’re solely focused on projecting?
How can you focus on supporting, when you’re solely focused on invalidating?
How can you focus on accepting, when you’re solely focused on rejecting?
How can you focus on elevating, when you’re solely focused on lowering?
How can you focus on knowledge, when you’re solely focused on following?
How can you focus on fulfillment, when you’re solely focused on neglecting?
How can you focus on freedom, when you’re solely focused on submission?
How can you focus on shifting, when you’re solely focused on coping?
How can you focus on self, when you’re solely focused on everyone else?
How can you focus on your reflection, when you can't even see yourself?
Now ask yourself what and/or who are you surrounded by that’s blinding your focus?
What or who is blinding you from you?
Where is your focus?
Copyright © Rita Lopez | Year Posted 2024
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