Flowers Made By You
Flowers made by you, doesn't have any fragrance,
Your colorful flowers never wither,
But seizes the thousands of hearts,
With its mesmerizing structure of art...
You are the gift from the heaven for arts,
Your beautiful hands created more wonders,
You turned us into wonderful sculptures..
Your okra fingers bewitched our souls...
You sown the seeds but we reaped,
Your wonder guidance moulded our hands,
You turned our scribblings to paintings,
You treated our eyes with brilliant piece of arts;
You efforts showcased in our home,
Your soothing voice heard in every arts,
Painting in my wall mumbles your name,
Fingers embraces the pencil to create a wonder art.
You became a wilted flower, helped us to bloom
Your hands crafted until your last breath,
Our hands will speak thy name with our crafts,
We mourn with tears with the painful hearts.
( poem written in memory of my crafts ma'am)
Copyright © S S Beulin | Year Posted 2020
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