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Your petals pitch quite exciting, It blossom from nectars of peaches hallowed by sweet ovary down to the pendicle where the light from the Sun incur it turbelent gaze! Mother say any wedding without you is like a music undressing the ears, kolanut addressing the mouth, whisky lust in front of malt, chocolates dipped in the mucus of okra, & bodies on preying mantis.... In the realms of two lovers, love is triggered in the hearts like an exaggerated torpedo & because you reflect in your face the butterflies that fly in my eyes, I shall invade and dispel my fears. From the sky I perceive the succus of your baits & the fragrance of your melanin skin that drives me agog invoking that insanity that would strum the rhythm the muse never gave me. And your beauty is all I admire, It peddles my unguided feeling towards unassailable territorial & frame the photograph of you in a canvass of arts form right inside my mind. It's not good that the bride is without the groom It's not good that love is without trust & it's not good the heart throb of hard life while the therapist is missing. But it is a wonder how you unmask the man in me to reveal the mouth confession unexpressed.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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