Floating Thoughts
Stories have a habit just to shift
That little bit to rearrange themselves
Subtly with each addition
I sketched a moment
And I picture it, finding a place
For the imagined image
And placed it with the ones
I already possessed, entwining
Images with reality and the imagined
Till both are woven forming
Kalidoscopic patterns
Is real the imagined?
Or imagined the reality?
Allowing depth to the picture
I paused to let a forgotten detail emerge
Surprising myself with the surfaced image!
Moments you approach and retreat from
Or just get stuck on, yet time passes
And then you suddenly snap out of a thought
To sink into another, swirling slowly
Till you digest it or spit it out
Like a bad taste that keeps surfacing
But I swallow it for better or worse
And carry on adding to my story
Entwined with all of the other stories
A part of it and yet alone
My thoughts now my home!
Copyright © Carol Mitra | Year Posted 2022
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