Five Minute Write
If I could write anything for five minutes…
Maybe I’d write quickly.
Maybe I’d write about the sky.
Or weather-
Or whether-
Or rather-
Or gather-
If I could write anything for five minutes,
I wouldn’t want to think about much.
I would maybe write about butterflies.
Butterflies, or flies that flutter.
Flies that annoy us.
And we don’t accept them in our house.
If I could write about anything for five minutes.
Maybe I wouldn’t try.
To finish anything.
We need to learn.
That poems don’t need anything.
Except the person.
With my fingers that write.
Or other things.
There is no hurry, except…
The way we try to find.
The way we prepare.
For an end
If I could write for five minutes.
Maybe I will.
And that’s all I need?
To keep writing.
Copyright © Angelica Tao | Year Posted 2024
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