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Fishy Smell Is Not At All Me

There is one job I could never do ever since leaving school this was a no never felt any real direction at that time but a fish shop job was never ever so The smell of fish always put me off even from a early age to smell I just couldn't stand this aroma fish and me would not ever gel Today when I walk past a fish shop just have to move on up my speed so glad to reach another store for to any other shop I'll take lead The thought of handling these creatures so slippy, slimy, and lengthy things my answer would be an immediate no foreboding fish thoughts mindfully brings Fishy smell is not at all me its funny as I don't cause a fuss most foods I like even some I love but take away fish or I'll get the bus ( This is written about the one job I could never do for the smell would make me run away)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/27/2023 11:51:00 PM
Not the best of smells for sure, walking through a market once and we went through the fish section, I was gagging lol. Tom
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Mcconnell Avatar
Gordon Mcconnell
Date: 11/28/2023 4:59:00 AM
Thanks Tom, Glad you enjoyed this piece, hope all is well and we'll on your way to recovery. Blessings always,Gordon
Date: 11/27/2023 12:27:00 PM
I get that Gordon l don't the smell either! Great poem my friend! Debx
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Mcconnell Avatar
Gordon Mcconnell
Date: 11/27/2023 1:40:00 PM
Thanks Deb, Glad you enjoyed it and thought it a great poem. Blessings always,Gordon

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