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A fire burning is a sight so mesmerizing Especially when lauded it is with words Enouncing of how great that power which Rules over us all is! Flames, being made to represent our own God Are that which captivates my attention At all times! The magic with which they are imbibed, Potent enough to hold the keys to allow us Entries into portals where life is said to be fairer And the power with which they sneer at us, Tempting us to dip our little fingers in their essence Makes of them that which shall never be conquered Neither by me nor by any of my peers For fires are that which have been created To remind us all Of how small we shall remain, faced With the magnitude of the mystery that hovers Above our heads! Fire hold enough potency to absorb in our sins, Or our promises to be better versions of ourselves, Or even, Our choice of life partner, And of course, in the end, It is that which gobbles us our remains When our body feels that it has accomplished its duty In this world! A fire, dancing arrogantly, boasting of its hold over us, Is as beautiful as is the sight Of the calm ocean sprawled for kilometres on end Meeting the skies at that point which bluffs our minds And our vision!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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