Fierocious Tiana
Tiana used to brag that she could tame the ferocious striped beasts.
Common villagers laughed at the small girl with the all-knowing blue eyes.
Until she marched into their lair and came out alive, riding one of their cubs.
Clovershire was full of people who were afraid of Tiana’s mystical ways.
Now they were terrified of her, and her steed, a gallivanting frisky tiger.
And she was only ten years old.
Tiana and her tiger were soon battle trained with the knights.
No girl had ever done this until now, but King Virgil saw the true Tiana
For who she really was, and he wanted her to have the best ammunition.
Few knew that her birth had been forecasted in his main prophet Sai’s dreams.
None would have believed that King Virgil had been expecting her,
or that he dabbled in sorcery and magic.
Tiana became the fiercest combatant in Clovershire’s
history of battles and wars, slashing her way across bloody meadows.
Leaving deceased rival villagers hither and yon in pieces.
Villagers still tell the tale of Warrior Tiger Woman
none realizing she had been imagined and created by Sai and a warlock
twenty years before they could conjure her up, and present her to King Virgil.
Visualization is a powerful tool of mystics and sages.
Copyright © Caren Krutsinger | Year Posted 2020
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