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Fiduciary Fiasco

Now who entrusted an ugly octopus with the pretty plaid pocketbook? An eight arm six-finger crook crawling up the vault wall is such a dirty, filthy lucre look Those pretty piggy bank pennies are no-account disappearing And them buxom chicks bouncy checks are not carte blanche clearing Plenty funny business in the cabinet kitchen is cause for a close culinary audit look Gotta IRS probing ire see, with pens itching, whose loosey-goosey cooking the books Pig tales of pickpocket gluttony ain’t gonna put those trust fund doubts in the right, anorexic frame of mind Green Whig conservator party need a little posh makeup P-scheme pout to lip coverup the grip-n-grin crime Hot on the tip trail of those swamp gators skipping bail on a twin-engine cottontail Moving the patsy and the pawn with a lazy mope and a dead yawn The teller and the guard were the cuffed duo vacuous fawn It was such a fiduciary fiasco of said brazen beauty and brawn Perpetrated by a third pair of enigmatic eyes, lounging somewhere tropical on a si perfectly manicured lawn Like Louisiana tabasco is red dirt hot, even before a misty dawn Fiduciary fiasco ~ Dollars hidden in the swamp stays tax buried once offshore withdrawn

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 9/8/2018 12:36:00 PM
Always enjoy your verses, my are a true political poet & politics...^WW^
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