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Female Warriors Deepest Respect

Savage alas is the best When the gods send me into battle or new test alone no more its "we" A man who truly knows a woman i'm much more this being the life we chose as our love not simple lore fighting styles are legend our skills being proficient Here we are both destined to us none are ever resistant we share a respect and love we never deny the other what we would think of much closer then any other will always be there you see he has my deepest respect love for him and him for me forever we two will protect

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 5/26/2019 8:34:00 AM
Ah ha! Me, being a bit slow on the uptake, at times anyways, has only just realized that these new poems are all from the pen of the "Warrior". I must say that I do so very much like this reinforcing Amazonian sentiment that enthuses throughout your latest poems, Brenda. They are strong and sturdy and portray a resoluteness that is both admirable and endearing...and long may she remain. My warmest affections -- as ever! :) john
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Chiri Avatar
Brenda Chiri
Date: 6/5/2019 3:52:00 AM
Haha I knew you would agree! I need to do a new one on my favorite female figure! Warrior at heart!;)
Fleming Avatar
John Fleming
Date: 5/27/2019 10:47:00 AM
Most certainly a bit of "Helen" in them -- the best bits! :) john
Chiri Avatar
Brenda Chiri
Date: 5/26/2019 1:33:00 PM
John a bit of Helen in them do you think? Lol!:)
Chiri Avatar
Brenda Chiri
Date: 5/26/2019 1:23:00 PM
Haha john! I am so glad you like them! I have waits to hear your response to them! And as always me thinks you give me too much credit but....i love it! Thank you John so very much!;) All my affection B
Date: 5/24/2019 9:55:00 AM
What a wonderful poem, so well written and engaging with a great flow and content. You score big with this love-write, it is amazing! CayCay
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Chiri Avatar
Brenda Chiri
Date: 5/25/2019 9:17:00 PM
CayCay thank you so much for your visit!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry