Feeling Free Again
Venturing forth after weeks of isolation,
Warm breezes brushed against my cheek
I left behind sad feelings of desolation.
The meadow near seemed no longer bleak
After a recent winter February’s display,
Buds stuck out their tiny heads to peek.
When the baby squirrels came down to play
My breath anticipated sweet scents of June.
Yes, decidedly, it was a glorious kind of day
And before I realized it, I was whistling a tune
My second COVID-19 shot over two weeks ago,
Suddenly, I realized I was almost immune!
It seemed the past year lay hidden in shadow
For the entire world a deadly virus was endemic
If every person will get vaccinated, though,
I feel certain we can beat this awful pandemic
And, folks, this is not something merely academic.
Copyright © L Milton Hankins | Year Posted 2021
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