Fearful Symmetry
from Songs Of Experiments
Beyond notice, out of sight
in dimensions curled up tight,
shall only weakened gravity
suggest your supersymmetry?
Do you match, sine qua non,
boson to a fermion?
Will you ever edify
how the forces unify?
In what quanta, small or large
will we find your mass and charge?
In what membranes do you roam?
Which dimensions call you home?
In magnetic chambers narrow,
will you tell us of time’s arrow?
Have you broken, in the past?
How long can your components last?
Quarks from gluons will divide
when we make hadrons collide:
Will this show us where you hide
or leave us still unsatisfied?
Beyond notice, out of sight
in dimensions curled up tight,
will only highest energy
reveal your supersymmetry?
Copyright © James Ph. Kotsybar | Year Posted 2012
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