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Fear Destroys

Fear Destroys To open our eyes in the morning, to see the sun shining brightly. watch the grass come life, as it drinks the morning dew, the flowers coming into bloom, look at the fruit trees that we all get to eat from. the many forms of vegetation that has been provided for us, and all sorts of game for meat. How blessed we are The ocean that provides fish and many other forms of food, we have so many wonders on this planet, that has been provided for us, yet we still cannot live together in peace and harmony with one another. How blessed we are When a crisis arises, we come together to help each other and the World! with no fear of hugging a stranger no matter their ethnic background, but when the crisis is over, we go back to " I CALL IT FEAR." How blessed we are IF we truly believed that we are all children of "GOD" we would have no fear of our brothers and sisters, it is okay to disagree with each other, we do not even have to like each other, but we can come together in peace and harmony, it is a choice that we all can make either to live together in peace with our brothers and sisters or not to live in peace with them, " When fear rules no one is safe. In the words of Sai Baba, fear shivers around every corner, but truth has no fear. How blessed we are

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