Fancy-Free Innocence
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fancy-free with poetic slippers,
zoetic zephyr on tippy-toes.
a ballerina schemes in untouched colors.
words pop, revive,
streamers of ink with charismatic truths,
crown of free spirit, unfeignedly pulsating.
a poet whose heart glows in the dark -
an enigmatic spark, she’s a blue flame.
she’s like the teasing wind that rustles the wheat.
the virgin flame dances through black and white.
her full skirt flaunts a dynamic rainbow halo -
this enchanting paradigm, gypsy of paradise.
her hem never touches the ground,
hypnagogic hues transcend the soul.
Does the poet surrender her fancy-free innocence
to authority’s chains that long to claim her prize?
the autumn leaves, blow beautiful, o’er ground
she floats on zero gravity never landing.
For Fancy Free Contest
Copyright © Kim Rodrigues | Year Posted 2017
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