Family Secrets 2
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"Family Secrets" REVISED. Note: I sometimes post my poems too soon. Later revised version presents the same story, told in fewer words.
He taught Bible study
at our local church.
Mother caught him kissing
her cousin, Marie, in the kitchen.
He groped cousin Anna
under the water
as we swam in the pond.
My thirteenth birthday, in his eyes,
meant that I was fair game.
I resisted, threaten to tell.
Again, Mother caught him
snooping to watch
sister and I in the shower.
A lifetime of dread
for the next shot.
when, or what, or who.
Always uncomfortable
in his presence.
Thirty-five years,
the ugly secret kept,
for Mother’s sake.
In my heart, sweet relief felt,
on the day he died.
Copyright © Cona Adams | Year Posted 2015
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