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I have faltered in this place called life so many times. Reality has become a slandering word to everyone. Visions of happiness have portrayed itself in crimes. Visions of sadness delivered upon the break of sun. Each new day separated from the other but the same. Creeping endlessly, I continue upon each day’s eve. I have to realize that life is only a fantasy and game. Though to reach the ultimate goal, a mind must reprieve. I will carry on upon each new dilemma going forward. I will empty my minds distaste and my souls stain. My body will elevate upon a breeze to go onward. My face shall show content and cover the pain. These words are feathered from many I come across. I am intertwined with their stories of widowed love. The faces I see covered and are shadowed in loss. These days are not different from the past above. Though now I have filtered the reed of distastefulness. I now grow and shall not weep unto ungratefulness.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 5/15/2009 7:10:00 AM
We all feel your heart while reading this insightful poem, such honest feelings, thoughts and emotion. Best Wishes, dear soup friend. ~Love, Carrie
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Date: 5/15/2009 5:55:00 AM
Oh dear friend, I so feel you in this write. There is much sadness and so often life is just plain difficult to deal with. Your attitude in the very last line is admirable and holds much truth. So well expressed. Warmest wishes your way. Love, Shar
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Date: 5/14/2009 10:15:00 PM
The introspective mood is established quickly, Cecil, and the monotony of day-to-day life is well conveyed. But most amazing is the way you are able to set aside the past to move forward and seek "the ultimate goal" in an elevated state. Even though the present is reminiscent of the past, you are able to filter out the "distastefulness" and continue to grow. Your poems always speak to me, Cecil, and this one has given me much inspiration. Thank you! Love, Carolyn
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