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Fake and Phony

Kamala has changed her every policy position just to get herself elected, pandering to audiences, changing her accent and inflections She’s the biggest fake and phony ever seen Trump is no bundle of joy, but he's for real What you get it is what you see on the screen

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 9/9/2024 8:15:00 AM
Trump is one of the most honest presidents to have served the American people -- slandered by twisted demagogues, wrongly persecuted by a biased justice department -- hang in there, Gershon; bless you my friend for speaking truth.
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Date: 9/7/2024 10:57:00 PM
I disagree with that Trump is a liar. He is racist talking about black jobs. He picks at disabled people and even talks down on veterans. His grandfather was in the KKK and Trump is molded by those “beliefs”. Trump is a disgrace grabbing women by the p and despite being against immigrants all he marries is foreign women as of late. You are entitled to your opinion of him and Kamala. But Trump having the Jan 6 nightmare as his revenge will do more if in power as a dictator. No politician is worse
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Jones Avatar
Karen Jones
Date: 9/8/2024 11:26:00 AM
As far as being infected, you are obviously drinking the orange kool aide that infects privileged Trumpsters lol. It’s your right to enjoy so drink up!
Jones Avatar
Karen Jones
Date: 9/8/2024 11:24:00 AM
We can agree to disagree. But if Kamala had been a felon and done a fraction of the things Trump did especially Jan 6, she would not be allowed to run for ANY office. The felonies were NOT orchestrated. If Kamala or Obama had felonies they’d be held accountable as Trump should be!
Wolf Avatar
Gershon Wolf
Date: 9/8/2024 8:39:00 AM
As for Trump's 'felonies,' they were orchestrated by a woke prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, who orchestrated the whole farce in sync with Biden-Harris, AND in the process ignored the escalating crime in NYC and NY state --- all because Trump derangement syndrome is epidemic in the USA. Looks as if you've been infected too.
Wolf Avatar
Gershon Wolf
Date: 9/8/2024 8:37:00 AM
By the way, Kamala's father was an avowed Marxist communist economics prof. How many times does Communism have to be discredited before intelligent people drop it? Don't the USSR, Cuba, and Venezuela experiences resonate with people? And why not?
Wolf Avatar
Gershon Wolf
Date: 9/8/2024 8:35:00 AM
Trump is no one I'd ever want to work for, nor is he anything but a vulgar party-boy. That said, his policies are far, far better for America and the world than Kamala's progressive price controls, rent control, $25k mortgage aids, EV mandates, and all the other inflation-ramping policies of the left. AND how many wars broke out during Trump's four years? - Zero. Compare that to the Biden-Harris Mideast debacle, Ukraine debacle, and disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan. I'm no 'Trumpster,' but I do vote for the candidate who will keep the country intact. ~ gw
Jones Avatar
Karen Jones
Date: 9/7/2024 11:04:00 PM
I’m surprised you are a Trumpster!
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Karen Jones
Date: 9/7/2024 11:03:00 PM
And fake? Kamala is of mixed race. She doesn’t wear orange tanning spray and a bad hair piece! Trump is out of touch with the American people as he only cares about the rich. He likely has never had a hard day of work in his life as his wealth was gifted by his father unlike Kamala and most non wealthy Americans.
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Karen Jones
Date: 9/7/2024 10:58:00 PM
Not to mention he is a felon!!!!!!

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