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Faerie Lies

Joyful faeries twirled and whirled, Stirring up the leaves and the dead things From the forest floor. Also uncovering the giant Anaconda who promptly Jumped into fighting mode. Her head came up swiftly, angrily. Until she realized it was the faeries. “I was ready to strike,” she told them. “Because I did not hear your faerie bells.” “We left them by the creek,” Head Faerie Told her. “Because the deer wanted to hear them.” “Did the deer have a fawn?” Anaconda asked. She was imagining a delicious fawn supper. “No,” the faeries said, lying with their Faerie brains. They had actually left The faerie bells at the creek, because While wearing faerie bells, you cannot Tell a lie, and they felt strongly that Anaconda was near.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 5/3/2018 6:26:00 PM
I love Faerie stories,, Caren,, awesome write.. Hugs Eve
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 5/3/2018 6:52:00 PM
Thank you, Eve. I, too, adore faerie stories; that's why I try to create a bunch of them. My magical woods is full of wood nymphs, elves, faeries and leprechauns.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry