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Fading Grace

September 29,2012 -------------------------- I wish, there was something more I could do My heart aches at the sight of you- so lost-so hurt sadness pouring from your eyes I wish I could help, I wish I could stop the cries But I don't know what to do, So I'll Just do what I do best-let you know I'm here for you If only words weren't so meaningless If only I could make you hurt less Your golden, shining light dimming- Giving way to the darkness I wish there was a way I could bring back your light-your happiness But Grace is fading fast Buried beneath the toils of the past If I could change time-make it better Oh if I could just do so much more Believe me when I say I would If i could ease your heartache If I could mend the broken, shattered pieces Tell me if there's a way to fix the scars Because I'll do what I must I'll do whatever, all for you I open myself, ready to give you my all To share what light I have So we can both see our way out of the dark And if Grace should fall, Grace should fade Then in the darkness I will hold onto you So you can still stand So you will not fall And together we can make our way through the darkness Grace is fading fast Fading fast Hold onto what we can, while we can For it's unknown how long it will last Grasp onto the rope, the light-the fading Grace Do not worry, I will hold you up I will hold you until your warming light Is found more and shines upon my face And then, I still, will hold you up But Grace is fading fast Will we make it? Will we survive the darkness? You shall survive, I will make certain you do No matter what I need to do I will make certain your grace never leaves you Even if I should falter and fall If I should crack and break Just leave me and continue on your way Weary and torn do not let your light go Grace is fading fast Go, keep moving until you have finally passed your past

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 8/9/2013 8:32:00 PM
I feel this way often when I see friends and family hurt. I can definitely relate. Always, Laura
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Date: 10/24/2012 11:48:00 AM
Lovely write...hope grace never leaves you and you walk the path of light always...great piece. enjoyed!!
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Date: 10/14/2012 6:22:00 AM
Heartbreaking and very touching poem Rebecca. - A poem that reflects your goodness. - Have a lovely Sunday. - oxox love Anne-Lise :)
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