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Fabric of Doubt

My life is made up of doubts, But there is no point in being surprised. Happiness is made up of moments In life, doubts last longer. I don't want to think about what it means to live, I'm afraid to find out that I'm lying to myself Doubts are already sharpening their knives, And don't stop time running. I can't accept who I am, And this makes the fear go deeper. Doubt can eat me up, But this is not the limit and can be worse. You need to wait and the doubts will go away But then I'll be alone. Overcoming yourself is not an easy task, But I'll try my hand at it. I don't know what I'm waiting for. Already the night outside is twinkling with stars, I'm running away at full speed, On a path lined with other people's dreams. I've always relied on myself, Because people always let you down. I didn't mean to offend you, But this is human nature.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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