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Some eyes are green like depths of ocean They are beautiful when they look at you with devotion They can invoke emotion They are sign of good fortune Some eyes are grey blue like northern skies To which the powerful falcon flies Those eyes are so complex that their kaleidoscope likes neural flame dendrites The mosaic of million pieces lies in those eyes Some eyes are black like depths of the soul They are undeterred and can reach any goal They will not let you fall They dark like Egyptian tomb that ancient kings will extol The brown eyes are things of beauty They see into destiny And are real pretty And their spirit is very healthy Red eyes are sublime Because they can see beyond time Their eerie glow is mysterious and prime They are sign of primordial spirit as well as springtime Dark blue eyes are like spirit of the veins Mysterious and uncanny in many domains They are breaker of spiritual boundaries through special brains They are the counterbalance to truly endless immeasurable planes They say eyes are mirror to the soul They have their own unique language different then English Spanish or Creole Different even than people who may or may not live at south poll The most eloquent unique underlining the essence of communication but not written on any scroll But like creeping elemental demons of the sky The true justice can be seen in only one type of eye The one that beyond last horizon will lie The sublime divine force of Great Eye

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 4/6/2013 6:04:00 PM
Very good poem. Enjoyed this read.
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