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Extra Extra Trumpasaurus Extinction

Extra...extra...Trumpasaurus Extinction... iz only wishful thinking Political polls whether advisory still consider forty fifth president dangerous, hazardous, lymphomatous... known to wield violent blows, his delusional perception analogous to fable regarding emperor without any clothes best to handle beast with more'n kid gloves, cuz he appears immune to mortality exhibits symptoms hinting death throes, as synonymous with Covid-19 and lo similar to Phoenix, he rises again, yet more pressing headline of immediate portent woes, whereby Vladimir Putin hankers to forge one former Soviet Republic after the other as putty in his hands squeezing population as malleable tool wielding iron clad rule across the webbed wide world as cruel de facto, harsh, jackbooted, malevolent oppressive totalitarian trumped up charges against Ukraine! Pastor Of Muppets – shout huzzah no mo' Trump he's Gone er re: ya - ha especially “father figure”and meme burr of the Diatribe for Miss Piggy. About thirty three months until 2024 presidential election emotional repercussions still reverberate how reprobate Trump aims to triumph graduating magma cum lug head if not him, one of his henchmen to become leader of the free world tampering, gaming (gerrymandering), bribing to ace highest score viz Electoral College examination. Noah yam aghast as Donald Trump once before nominated president elect, or more apropos apprentice, a teetotaler exhibits delirium tremens, drunk with power to reign brings corporeal bristling foretells premonition regarding apocalyptic approaching dystopian crisis – as Russian troops get ready and set to aim muzzle visualized by yours truly one basket of deplorable fitbit, whose shell shocked eggs esse hints did not peter out re: fate rigged 2016 election courtesy Russian uber vice squad to lyft self anointed deity appalled hike confess at prospect outsize bully nabbed most sought after Whitehouse seat - ugh guess thine psyche fearful that arrogance, indecency, pomposity, and vivacity to break ranks and restore Hess shun militaristic modus operandi crowning himself grand poobah King Kong of Amerika - applauded by a Hun dread locked Klansmen less or more, with spirit of a jolly roger intent shredding sacred documents, and creating a horrible mess ages will require to restore prestigious, righteous, and officious, amazing gracious steeped in legacy of forefathers and mothers, which democratic rubric Paine stay king lee easel lee trampled oh press sieve lee in sync with missteps made during on the job training at national ex pence augments ominous ramping up of Tess toss tear roan, wherefore if happenstance finds Czech mated xpress train tearing down the tracts, we the people of the United States vouchsafe for a veep ping Petsmart prodigy to take over – YES!

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