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God showed Himself to me through my parents firstly Appearing with their sweet smile, welcoming me warmly Manifesting fatherly kindness wondrously Highlighting maternal love-care abundantly. Growing, I was acquainted with God midst home’s bliss Where teaching of charity is a sure practice In family bonding with hugs, embrace and kiss Propped by prayer for all --- of Dad, Mom, Brods and Sis. God did expose me well to His active presence Displaying His great creation’s magnificence Controlling the universe in its existence Acquainting me His with gracious omnipotence. When I was invited for a Bible study God revealed His nature against claims’ parody Expressing Scriptures’ truth, immutably sturdy Offering me redemption from sins’ malady. In my quest to know Him more through genuine worship The Lord granted me faith for right relationship Of vibrant fellowship and fruitful stewardship Around Christ’s friendship by His perfect leadership. God through the Holy Spirit* shows me His goodness Mercy and forgiveness for confessed guiltiness Mighty deliverance assuring peacefulness Miracles that uphold against trials’ hardness. Praise-filled, I yield myself to God with gratitude Since He owns me, bracing up my faith’s fortitude Cognizant that He is my life’s infinitude I show Him to all midst triumphant attitude. *John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. January 23, 2022 Narrative in rhyme form Edited on June 15, 2022

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Date: 1/27/2022 11:59:00 PM
I do not know how amidst your busy ministry you are getting time to pen such long and beautiful lines. God works in you, I hoe. Congratulations!
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