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You are everything I ever wanted I hear the voice Within me say I became everything I ever wanted That midnight moment I cried out To confess and pray You are everything this world needs I hear the voice Not my own tell me Curious as I am I begin to comprehensively understand Asking myself What does the world need? How can I be anything? Anyone? Everything? I love you Kristina I hear this repetitively This I rarely tell myself But the voice within is adamant to remind me Carving a path to my heart Setting a spark to my mind Instantly everything changed Everything became directed Everything revolved around this voice A voice of greatness as my guide Everything, everything Since belief in you entered my life

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 7/16/2019 2:02:00 PM
Deep and personal poem... So nice to see you posting again..
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Kristina Whitmore
Date: 7/16/2019 8:19:00 PM
Thank you kindly Silent One for your comment. I am making my attempts to return to my hobby of writing and so I appreciate yours words.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry