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Every Seed Grows

In this field of plantation; Where I walk and plant various parts of myself around this world; I sometimes look back and notice the trail; I recognize the lettuce of charity I’ve grown constantly through the years, the tomatoes of kindness which resonates red to the world, For as the blood flows within my temple, Kindness will always be found here; Also my celery of respect remains long, And continues growing as much as I do; And yet for all these positive elements I’ve learned to express to my environment; Occasionally I plant a bad seed which poison’s the essence of my entire being; And for that, I apologize. Although a perfectionist in small doses I am not perfect, And as a result my garden of Eden contains more infamous fruit then I would want, Stemming from lack of growth in my maturity plant; While a few of any negative offspring have cultivated, None have been more consistent in growth than my deception seed. Unfortunately as I’ve grown into adulthood, So has my subconscious lying, Sadly after a while you don’t even realize that it still sleeps in your field, And as a human constantly harvesting you learn to accept it; However evolution never grows old, And even a perfect saint contains a lifetime of imperfect downfalls, So while I’m familiar with deception, It is those virtuous seeds that grow within me, That are parallel with my height and with that, I’m content. God never asked for our field to be perfect, But to show progression, So that it could display many of lives lessons, And as my life continues adding up, I can promise the world that my dark seeds subtract simultaneously; But yet I understand we’re all human, And we must reap what we sow, Therefore I’m hoping that my seeds of empowerment in the form of black eyed peas, fall into my neighbors field, Thereby enriching their lives for yet another season.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 8/27/2015 5:49:00 PM
What about black eyed Susan's? But only some of them knows where every seed grows. Jim Horn
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Date: 7/13/2015 3:10:00 PM
What a captivating read I had! This is a wonderful piece Jiril. Do not let the ink cease dripping.
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 7/13/2015 5:34:00 PM
Thanks Nontando!
Date: 1/16/2015 11:49:00 AM
i love how you pure out ur soul here, you penned this write so well, may your seeds of both negative and positive keep you on progression till enernity, for u got talent richard
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Date: 10/21/2014 9:49:00 AM
A perceptive and honest poem Most of us can relate to. Your garden images reflecting your personal life is unique. And we do reap what we sow. However, with God's help we can pull up the weeds, by their roots, that we don't want growing in our garden. Thanks for reading my two lugworms at the beach poem. Blessings, Darlene
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 10/21/2014 11:12:00 AM
Thank you Darlene. Appreciate the love.
Date: 5/18/2014 10:43:00 PM
This poem is really amazing... You commented on my poem The Wind. Thanks Jiril! You're so nice.
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 5/19/2014 9:43:00 AM
Thanks Ayesha. Appreciate the love
Date: 4/30/2014 9:13:00 PM
Great comparrisons, I respect that, and the like God never asked .... that stanza shows that you know what you are doing. keep trying and growing good things. :)
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 4/30/2014 10:29:00 PM
Thanks Casarah. Appreciate the love.
Date: 12/7/2013 2:00:00 PM
I like this piece of yours.. this is unique..I like the style of story telling within this poem.. :))
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 12/7/2013 3:12:00 PM
Thank you Shirley. Appreciate the love.
Date: 11/18/2013 2:11:00 AM
I like your comparison of planting vegetables and aspects of your personality. It resonates wisdom. Best wishes Linda x
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 11/18/2013 8:58:00 AM
Thanks Linda.
Date: 11/12/2013 9:29:00 PM
Loved how you incorporated food and pieces of yourself to allow us to envision the beauty that was taking place within your "SOLE" Darla
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 11/12/2013 9:55:00 PM
Thank you Darla. Appreciate the love.
Date: 10/4/2013 5:20:00 PM
Jiril,wow I love your writing,it is refreshing and great,Keep writing I will stop by again,Ivy
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 10/4/2013 6:12:00 PM
Thanks Ivy. I appreciate the love.
Date: 9/28/2013 8:20:00 PM
What a beautiful poem Jiril Clemons !
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 9/28/2013 9:10:00 PM
Thank you Fatima. Appreciate the love.
Date: 9/21/2013 7:37:00 PM
These are some powerful and meaningful words. Gets to the heart of what is going on in the world and how we need to change. great job
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 9/21/2013 8:02:00 PM
Thanks Robin. Appreciate the love.
Date: 9/15/2013 8:10:00 PM
May you continue to grow as a person.....and disperse the lettuce of charity as you travel.....great metaphors here.
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 9/15/2013 8:31:00 PM
Thank you Wayne. Appreciate the love.
Date: 9/4/2013 9:30:00 AM
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 9/4/2013 9:44:00 AM
Thanks Alozor. Appreciate the luv, bruh.
Date: 9/2/2013 10:55:00 PM
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Jiril Clemons
Date: 9/2/2013 11:03:00 PM
Thanks Christy. Appreciate the love.
Date: 5/22/2013 11:50:00 AM
- You're right: All is not perfect here on earth. - If ... all planted seeds of love and kindness ... it was perhaps a better place to live for all .... Yes, I like your poem, Jiril. - Thank you for visiting my poems. - Enjoyable with visit, welcome back ... - oxox / / Anne-Lise :)
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