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It is in our thoughts we hope to live on forever How clever we seem to think this way of not knowing Everyone of us has a different version of the story called eternity This diversity is what makes life an ongoing rhapsody That is the only way we can keep our sanity If not, we will all fall into the fathomless abyss of lifelessness Sweet heavenly bliss, come and give me a hug and a kiss I need to know that life does not have a quietus That we do continue in an afterlife Some way, somehow We will live on forever

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 4/1/2018 5:52:00 PM
This one is rich! The pre-planning of this was magnificient; a feat!
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Date: 4/1/2018 5:34:00 PM
You have written about a subject near and dear to my own heart, and it makes sense. Life is about the feelings inside.
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Date: 4/1/2018 5:29:00 PM
The last stanza makes the poem exactly RIGHT!
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Date: 4/1/2018 5:23:00 PM
Well done; and telling. I believe you have nailed the feeling we all have that we need to know that we continue in an afterlife.
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry