Eternal Dance
These bronze companions
Dha-dhin-dhin-dha flows from the soul
Through seasoned fingers
Six decades of dance in palms
Father's rhythms —
Dha-dhin-dhin-dha lives within
Each strike and echo
Alla Rakha guides the movement of hands
Punjab flows through —
Dha-dhin-dhin-dha spinning fast
Like Sufi dancers
Ancient heartbeats in new songs
Time bends beneath touch —
Dha-dhin-dhin-dha lightning quick
Then slow as prayer
Rivers flowing from your hands
World shrinks to circles —
Dha-dhin-dhin-dha speaks in tongues
Of stretched leather skin
Universe in fingertips
Jazz meets gharana —
Dha-dhin-dhin-dha bridges worlds
Through storm of palms here
East and West dance as one soul
Silence between beats—
Dha-dhin-dhin-dha tells stories
Of thousand nights past
Every strike, a life's journey
Though hands may rest now—
Dha-dhin-dhin-dha echoes still
Through time's chambers vast
Eternal rhythms never cease
When the tabla falls silent,
These sacred rhythms live on—
In Earth's pulse,
In Heart's Dance,
In Soul's eternal song
For rhythm never dies,
It simply transforms—
From fingers to air,
From air to spirit,
From spirit to the cosmic dance
Where every heartbeat
Carries the echo
Of these eternal tabla rhythms,
Forever more!
Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024
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