Escaping Tyranny
Bearing a cross
Carrying your burden
Exhausting myself in the process
Locked away for so long
At your mercy
Under your reign
Helpless, without justice
Pieces of myself stolen away
Erased from existence
In your suffocating kingdom
Belonging to you
In every sense of the word
Every emotion scrutinized
Begging to express to you
What is tormenting me inside
Yet, being denied the right to feel
Without guilt or shame
Even limiting the time
In which I have to heal
From the scars you left
Imprinted on my soul
Twisting reality
Rewriting history
To dominate the present
Refusing to admit
Your transgressions against me
Pretending they never occurred
Stifling the emotions
That I need to release
My punishment for daring to protest
The tyrannical manipulation
You control me with
Copyright © Courtney Dyer | Year Posted 2009
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