It is just a little past noon and I expect to see you soon
I have been waiting at the gate but you did not come and it’s getting late. A peculiar feeling is boiling in my gut and it leave a terrible feeling at the exterior of my stomach, it is the type of feeling I cannot describe but I can only imagine it when we are walking side by side and horns are honking in the slow-moving traffic on the autobahn.
I have never driven on a federal motorway but a sudden jolt from a fast moving truck has increased the pace and I started to press the gas,
And the next thing I know I was flying like an airplane overtaking traffic upon traffic until I reach the round about that had me going round and around before I could slow down and a large crowd out of nowhere assemble in the square.
It is like they were waiting for me to deliver some form of speech at a special ceremony, and at the blink of an eye the crowd began to swell and people start moving to the square from all direction singing to the rhythm of a familiar song and suddenly the action begins,.
The anxious and jubilant crowd starts climbing on trees and light pole erected at the roundabout while other were sitting on top of walls and the space around me got tight. The feeling in my gut became stronger and I struggled to keep my composure and I felt as if the globe was caving in on me so I reach out for a hand to hold but nobody was there except me standing in an open space on the stage with light illuminating all around me and words starts pouring from my lips.
Upon this rock I stand and I have traveled from afar just to hold your hand but you were not there. How much longer must I wait for you, shall I continue to bear this pain just for our dream to come true, you came and find me in hell and it looks like you are leaving me in hell, I want to get out of this place and join the human race.
Hope is riding on the autobahn and upon this rock the miracle stands, please come and take my hand and lead me away from this place and breathe new life in my soul.
Come and walk with me before my body gets cold.
Copyright © Christine Phillips | Year Posted 2025
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