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Epitome Apotheosis

EPITOME APOTHEOSIS Glory Glory Does she answer to us to bring peace in our world? You know men are now participants of a new recreation. Gay sex is prone more than smoking marijuana in the sixties (60s). They call it getting to know themselves through the quality or state of being sexual. They say the old adage is for human sexuality to overwhelm homosexuals. This manifests the most through... pro-sports. The athlete does not mind being... horsed. Growing up down South crafted her life. In that the broken tumbleweeds leave the meadow in midair tolerating the wind until tumbleweeds no longer are there, A Mississippi child’s insight manifests. Twisting the mind, they want a woman to observe them. Facial expression is that this is the newfangled way to intensify your sex drive… Watching me turn him out makes your womanhood come alive. Why lessen your pleasure by denying what you feel inside? The exodus to the North found a fool’s game. The world became a male’s domain. As heterosexual women desire heterosexual men, they found all were doing other things. Insight manifests as epitome apotheosis. A Mississippi child begins to address this. In that the broken tumbleweeds leave the meadow, the quintessence of accepting is not a bed pillow. It is a head messed with. Might it be loss of self-respect and principles? Does this mean the world is changing the norms of a greater source? Gay sex is the new recreation in which man states is the true mental sport. He is not the homosexual only rising his ******** to persuade the experience of sex. Might he laugh aloud to say… “A woman will include her-self or she will wish she had". "This is a male’s domain and that is the truth as is”. _____________________________________________________________ Written August 09, 2016!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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