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Epileptic and Unloved

Epileptic and unloved He was my perfect ,Yes my heart beat Two years together ,Being each other's Comfort Embellished in rings, Rings of true commitment That's what I thought , Atleast with all my logic Only to realise after a couple of decoys That it was not a thing, not a thing at all But A brief and pseudo wasteful engagement I received this wedding card, With him as the groom A spike of fear jerked me from my slumber I woke up in the pompai nightmare Like a voters roll, I checked my name on that wedding invitation,it was someone's then Rex was barking at me hysterically I was careening like a log from a hill top,with white froth fuzzing from my mouth I think that's when it started,that was my first episode I couldn't tell anyone ,atleast not together with the heart break What an embarrassment! Then I tried to move on, I thought I did ,I met Den He become my panacia, Soft caring and understanding Then the episodes came again, So intense so vicious Happening anywhere, The first was in a lecture The other one walking home, and the third on Den's birthday party This one I guess was the mother chauffeur Walking me through out of his love, He was byme all this time,Helping with sundry bills, I swear he was never to leave me, thoughts of a naive heart Only to find him with another woman in his arms And telling me he was afraid I will die in his arms Not him only even my friends I turn into a loner in my new world, Fear keeps tomenting me, day and night What can I do other than waiting for true love That is if of course it exist,But whatever the case that's my hope What would you hope for when epileptic and unloved.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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