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Environmental Pollution

The release of the naked sword of marine oil spills From the window and door of offshore platforms drilling rigs, From the arena of natural oil sips to execute our living meals. Petroleum hydrocarbon spreading its tentacle to the coastal shores, Crops behold their departures And sudden death is sure. Painful is oil torture, Holding to ransom our farming culture, As it takes away the grace of stomach infrastructure. Spirit of anti-life on our land and sea, Angels of aquatic are blind to see, Source of survival it came to seal Oil Spill is inherent with destructive zeal, Our broken heart protest as appeal, Oil spill doesn’t care how we feel Seawater reacting with petroleum hydrocarbon A balance equation of hunger is born, Switch of mass starvation is turned on, aquatics we mourn Oil spill apprehending the spirit of tourism, Coastal water a deadly masquerade before tourists and citizen, Drinking water is imprisoned Aquatics take killing lessons, Health awaits death tribunal for no reason Leadership is frozen. We are slaves to spill, in our land, Justice we seek but death we found, Our cry remains a melody as our tears touch the ground Crude creeps through, cassava and cocoyam, Death whistleblowing in our farms, Ogoni land; the sacrificial land Stumble out of pipelines, wells, and vessel; Smoking marine ecosystem; no more hustle Cry of hunger; death we wrestle On the shore, our feet are lubricated The waves on the sea no longer smile at beaches for it is polluted I dream of cleaning up; my hope is not dehydrated. Before this monarch of marine our hustle sink Backslide to poverty and close all links Fate is fate hope shrinks King of the sea; the bloody liquid shark Aquatic you blindly attack At the mention of thy name aquaculture disembark Thy territory is beyond marine How great is thy destruction as you pierce our farmers with pin Oil spill the liquid shark is within Nets are thirsty; hooks without bate, Paddies are sleeping; boats at relaxation state, No more rafting; no sailing mate. The prawns turn sculpture; instead of a meal, Craps and fishes go cold for real Season of tears; seafood on sleeping pills Rivers of oil; no water to swim Water pots are empty; we only drink in our dream The oil spill effect is worse than it seems. I wept like Jesus for the ignorance of my brothers, Environmental degradation fought by our fathers, Is gladly rebirth by their seeds I ponder

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 11/20/2021 3:11:00 AM
Thanks for sharing this... Welcome to PS. Meanwhile, I welcome you with the love of God. According to the Bible's John 3:16,"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God bless you.
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